Chilli Peppers have been used for thousands of years not only for their spicy flavour but also for their medicinal values.
Many wonder why human beings would consume chillies at all. After all, the Capsaicin found in the chillies’ membrane provokes a burning sensation which can lead to severe discomfort, especially with the cross-breads that are currently being engineered like the Infinity Chilli, Naga Viper or the Naga Hari which are nearly as pungent as warfare chilli pepper spray (2,000,000 Scoville Heat Units).
But if we look closely at the beneficial side of chilli peppers, many features can help if not cure our everyday ailments. For example, levels of Vitamin C in chillies are seven times higher as compared to the level of Vitamin C found in oranges. Chillies are also packed with Vitamin A, B, C and E and are rich in minerals. The body releases Capsaicin-like substances when injured so Capsaicin from chilli peppers is currently used in topical ointments as well as a high-dose dermal patch to relieve pain or peripheral neuropathy. Capsaicin can also bring temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with arthritis, backache, strains and sprains.
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