Chilli Pepper Pete has been around for a few years now and it is a brand that is mostly known for chilli sauces such as Dragon’s Blood, Sphincter Shrinker and Smokin’ Devil although it is also greatly popular for chilli products such as Chilli Pepper Pete’s Piri Piri Oil, Liquid Fire hot sauce and of course the hotter than hot chilli curry sauces that go by the name of Nagaloo and Goan to the Loo.
The latest noise around Chilli Pepper Pete though is due to the hellish Satan’s Shit Chilli Sauce which some consider to be more of a chilli paste. Satan’s Shit was one of the first Chilli Pepper Pete’s products we put on the Devil’s Garden as we knew consumers would want to try it and brag to friends and family if they lived to tell the tale...
With the festival season upon us a lot of chilli brands are keen to impress the crowds with new or established chilli sauces but Chilli Pepper Pete’s Satan’s Shit created quite a stir at the Taste of London festival as well as the Cheltenham Food Festival in the last couple of weeks when members of the public started feeling the burn a bit too intensely and had to be seen at the first aid tent. Chilli Pepper Pete’s Satan’s Shit was later banned from both shows which created even more publicity around the chilli sauce.
The last chilli sauce we heard that was banned from a chilli festival was The Chilli Pepper Company’s 10 Minute Burn Hot Sauce. People were seen to have “episodes” where they would roll themselves on the grass in fits of uncontrollable laughter. A member of the Devil’s Garden took a bit more than she should have at the Levens Hall Chilli Fiesta last year and apparently lost her hearing for a couple of minutes!
A lot of people think that chilli sauces cannot get hot enough, well there is now proof that The Chilli Pepper Company’s 10 Minute Burn hot sauce and Chilli Pepper’s Satan’s Shit chilli sauce are not to be taken lightly!
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