Chilli Pepper Pete has a knack of choosing names that will stay in people's minds which is definitely the case for his chilli pastes, especially Satan's Shit and Hotter than Hell. And spicy they are! With the beloved but feared Naga chilli pepper at the forefront, these chilli pastes burn, scorch, punch, bite and generally speaking form a small hurricane of heat but also flavour at each mouthful. And by that we mean that you should only put a small amount in your food although some advanced chilli lovers do consume them by the spoonful... those who have a living will of course!
Not as hot as Chilli Pepper Pete's Satan's Shit or Hotter than Hell, Chilli Pepper Pete's Just Scotch Bonnets and Harrisa still hold their own in the heat stake. Still much spicier than what you would find in supermarkets, Chilli Pepper Pete's Harrisa and Just Scotch Bonnets are designed to make you sweat... but also salivate thanks to their wonderful flavour, the former being made with the gorgeous cayenne chilli pepper while the latter contains well... you've guessed it, scotch bonnets!
Chilli Pepper Pete's chilli pastes are just what a good chilli paste should be: hot and tasty but most of all they have got Chilli Pepper Pete's stamp of approval (and ours!), so what more could you want?
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