Who better to go to then The Chilli Pepper Company when you want to sample some of the best hot sauces out there? With the Chilli Pepper Company you can be sure that you are in good hands, especially when trying hot sauces such as The Beast, Naga Mama or the aptly named Be Damned.
The Chilli Pepper Company started off by selling chilli seeds and quickly progressed to making chilli sauces that are now very famous. It was even able to achieve a world record by producing the Naga Viper chilli pepper which was used to make, you’ve guessed it, the Naga Viper Hot Sauce.
The most famous hot sauce from The Chilli Pepper Company has to be 10 Minute Burn though as it is one of the hottest chilli sauces on the market to this day and has also been banned from no less than 3 chilli festivals as people started having “episodes” after trying it out. We have to admit that we were looking a bit worse for wear also when we tried it at the West Dean Chilli Festival in 2010.
The Chilli Pepper Company took advantage of this publicity by creating an even more insane chilli sauce called 15 Minute Burn which could also be called “3 hours running around like a headless chicken trying to extinguish the smoke coming out of one’s ears” but I guess that might be a bit too long to put on the label...
The Chilli Pepper Company is great in that it provides chilli products for everybody so if you are a bit scared of 10 Minute Burn, The Beast, Naga Mama or the Naga Viper Chilli Sauce then try some Organic Chilli Chocolate or Chilli Fudge from the Chilli Pepper Company and you’ll see what we mean!
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