A lot of people in the UK are currently trying to support Dartmoor Chilli Farm, one of our most popular suppliers.
Phil and Kay are keen to lead a life as “green” as possible. We met them this summer and we just could not understand why the government is giving them such a hard time. Their polytunnels are barely visible and their farm is extremely well kept.
Dartmoor Chilli Farm runs on solar panels and windmills and doesn’t even have bins as they recycle absolutely everything. Phil and Kay are both vegan and don’t use any form of chemicals on their chilli plants and other fruit s and vegetables. Some of you have already commented on how wonderful their Chilli Jam and Hot Strawberry Jam are (the strawberries are actually from the farm) and we are keen to see them develop into a major chilli brand.
So please follow the link below and help support Dartmoor Chilli Farm, one of the most environmentally conscious businesses we have ever encountered. Please also mention it to your friends and family on your facebook page or via Twitter!
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